- I received a message stating I didn't verify my email address.
- I am locked out of my account.
- My password reset link is not working.
- I don't have access to/or forgot the email address I set my account up with.
- I can't log in, I forgot my username or password (or both!).
- I don't know which agency and/or clinic to select.
My Profile
- How do I edit my profile?
- I don't know my WIC ID or Family ID.
- How do I change my password?
- I need to change my email.
- I need to change my agency.
- I need to change my clinic.
- I was told to do a GA, GP or GI class, what lesson should I do (California)?
- Where can I view a resource I saved as "Favorite"?
- How can I see what lessons I've already completed?
- When should I complete my lesson?
- How many lessons should I complete?
- What if none of the lessons apply to me or my child?
WIC Questions
- I lost my WIC card.
- How do I find Project FRESH?
- How do I renew my benefits?
- How do I apply for WIC?
- Am I eligible for WIC?
- I can't get ahold of my WIC office.